The I.W. Method
• Follows a natural approach where cleansing of the healing pathways (the body's natural ability to heal) takes place leading to true restoration of health.
• Uses individualized protocols with only the highest quality, safest, organic, medical grade nutraceuticals.
• Follows a holistic approach to health that balances the chemicals in the four major body systems. Concise functional test ranges are used to develop wellness plans, preventing further damage.
• Uses an integrative approach to help identify the root cause of dysfunctions, provides explanations for a variety of “mystery” symptoms, and identifies chemical imbalances early for prevention of future health issues.
• Patient is proactive and develops a preventive mindset through proper education within our online program.
Traditional Approach
• Uses prescription medications and procedures as treatments. Medications normally mask symptoms, maintaining current health but no real healing is achieved. Frequently, a procedure or surgery is performed on the affected area but the root causes are still not identified, causing the domino effect of damage in other body systems.
• Uses broad lab ranges (clinical ranges), following standard medical protocol, relying only on a diagnosis to determine treatment decisions
• Mystery symptoms don't get resolved after many visits to different doctors who say, “Labs are normal,” or, “It's all in your head”.
• Patient is passive or reactive to treatment.